Forums · theorosa's bridge


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Aug 22 '07

this picture was taken at a place called theorosa's bridge in kansas. it is said to be haunted. does anyone else see what appears to be a lady in the bottom right hand corner?[/URL]

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Aug 22 '07

yep it appears to be.fog in the back ground?
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Aug 22 '07

there was no fog, no dust, no one was smoking, no rain, nothing.
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Aug 23 '07

I ask about the fog. because I believe it was ectoplasm forming. of which if you'had stayed abit longer you would have had some very interesting pictures. we of course would like to hear from the others.
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Aug 23 '07

interesting like how?
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Aug 24 '07

first of would appear you'have solved who died at the bridge ( theorosa) there's some question about a baby dieing also. it's likely the ectoplasm would have taken a nother form. possibly a baby or another adult.
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Aug 25 '07

hmm, that is interesting. is it typical that these things only show up in pictures? I've seen shows where a "mist" can be seen by the naked eye but i didn't see anything that night.
I have another picture i took at a local cemetary that very faintly looks like a little girl sitting on one of the tombstones. i honestly don't think i would have ever noticed it until someone else pointed it out. i've been told it's only matrixing, could this be too? i don't think so but........
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Aug 26 '07

it could be. but photo's & evp's, are commonly used. I think it's apparent it's a good picture can you' post the other one?
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Aug 27 '07

this is the other picture i was telling you about.
what i thought was interesting is that there is a grave nearby that is of a little girl who died in the early 1900's. i have not been back out there to take more photos's of this area but i have another picture from that night that's a different angle. i have circled the "little girl", she's hard to see though.[/URL][/URL]

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Aug 28 '07

If I had taken those photo's I would have been very pleased.the little girl appears to be about 3or4 years be carefull and be sure to take some one with you.on your ventures.phooey on the critic's. that's a good job well done.
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Aug 28 '07

thank you, i appreciate it, and believe me, i never go alone. i have a good friend who is just as in to this as i am. i took my husband once because i sooooo wanted him to have an experience because he thinks i'm nuts but of course, nothing.
he will admit though that he can see the little girl too.
i was also going to tell you that i read your story on the strange voices post. i hope you are ok. i posted to it about an experience my sister had.
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Aug 29 '07

tell your husband.most people think were crazy.but the fact is things exist beyond our ability to understand. evp's & photo's are just one way of captureing the unknown.
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Aug 29 '07

i agree. i've had so many experiences my whole life that it's hard when other's don't believe. i grew up in a house that i believe was haunted. my parents still live there but not as much happens. It also seems like everywhere i have ever lived, something has happened. my mom used to tell me she thought they followed me. My youngest daughter who is now 16 seems to be sensitive to things too. something i've never told anyone is that she was actually with me and my friend the night we went to the cemetary. she kept telling me she could feel someone tugging at her pant legs and every once in a while it felt like someone was trying to hold her hand. then i got the picture that i did.
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Aug 31 '07

Actually lkritter, you can attract them. A sensitive is like a beacon which draws them to you. Imagine a bright spotlight shining down on you, that's how that works...that's how they are drawn to you.
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Aug 31 '07

i don't feel like a sensitive. i never see anything anymore like most of the people on these boards seem to do. I don't get feelings, nothing, but then i can take a picture sometimes and get something. the only feelings i've had in years is the ones i had at that bridge. is there a way to get them back? do i still have them and just don't know it? these are probably stupid questions but...........
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Aug 31 '07

No question is stupid when it comes to understanding. Everyone is a little sensitive, we are all born that way. Some of us just block it out (which is a shame), and some of us come to terms with our gift. Your feelings with the bridge is a prime example of your inner knowing. The soul knows and when you are sensative, you feel that "something". You may not know what it "is" your feeling but it's there. You asked how you can get them back, well, you've never lost them. If you would just trust that inner voice and "listen" to it, you will realize you are picking up on more than you've been aware of. You didn't lose it, I don't believe a person can ever do that. You just block it out. A great thing to do to clear your mind is meditation. It's relaxing and I find it somewhat euphoric. Try it, keep your mind open and relax. I hope this helps alittle and good luck. =)
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Sep 1 '07

i'll admit when i try and meditate, i just can't seem to block out all the crap that's going on in my life. i swear i think i have a.d.d. for adults because i can't conentrate to save my life. even when i'm not trying to meditate i can't concentrate and it causes me problems sometimes. is there a good book you would suggest? i've heard of people talking about spirit guides, who are they and how do you contact them?
don't mean to inindate you with so many questions.
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Sep 1 '07

It is so hard to calm the human mind, it takes practice and patience. It will eventually happen for you, just relax and go with what is going on. The first time you meditate may be a hard and frustrating time but keep it up, it will get easier. Practice will help...The only books that I can recommend that I've read myself is Sylvia Browne's book on meditation. She's wonderful. I don't know if you know of her or not but she can answer your questions rightly. Don't worry about the questions, we all have them. =)
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Oct 21 '14

@lkritter, I have a similar picture from the bridge. No one was smoking, it wasnt cold enough to be our breath or fog. I took about 20 pictures just snapping away and out of those only one showed the same kind of mist yours did. Still trying to figure out how to post a pic but its a great picture. We tried to debunk it and couldnt come up with anything it could have been.
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Oct 21 '14

@lkritter, where is this cemetary? I dont recall one being out there by Theorosa's bridge.
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